5.00 out of 5

RM 239.00

SKU: plus1+1. Category:



Package included:

  • 2 Boxes ISANI PLUS (6pcs x 25gm)
  • 2 Unit ISANI Traveling Casing
  • 1 Unit ISANI Soap Dish Chair Holder
  • Free Shipping by courier whole Malaysia

10 Reasons Why You Must use ISANI Skin Health Bar                   

  1. All Age Groups (Baby to Elderly)
  2. All Sex (Male/ Female)
  3. All Countries (All Weather/ 4 Seasons)
  4. All Skin Types (Dry/ Oily/ Combination/ Skin Diseases)
  5. All Types of Usage (Shampoo, Body Wash, Toothpaste, Deodorant)
  6. Skin Health (Replacement to Skincare, Cosmetics & Soap)
  7. Save Time (Only less then 3 mins & Easy to Use)
  8. Save Money (Replaces Cleanser, Toner, Mask, Body Wash & shampoo)
  9. Easy to Carry (Travelling, 25g Bar with Container)
  10. Proven & Guaranteed (Product Since Year 2009, Thousands of People Benefited From ISANI)

Find out what customer say about ISANI Bar: TESTIMONY

More info please download ISANI Bar Catalog CATALOG

5.00 out of 5


  1. Kelly Sim
    5 out of 5

    ISANI easy, simply, and cost effective. I am happy with the result using ISANI. 🙂

  2. Abu Bakar bit mohammad
    5 out of 5

    Just repeat order. ISANI us ready works and keeping my family skin healthier.

  3. Evon Wong
    5 out of 5

    ISANI works wonder on my skin. Thank you

  4. Gor Jia Jin
    5 out of 5

    Received Isani health bar broken parcel (broken gifts) by the J&T for the first time but luckily the health bar and free health bar is in good condition, thank you seller😄

  5. Rachael Jaw
    5 out of 5

    Excellent product & amazing effect after use…highly recommended! I give 10 stars!!!

  6. Sarah Anang
    5 out of 5

    The best choice and its simple! Cheap and affordable..

  7. Anjanayasree
    5 out of 5

    Isani Skin Health Bar is a great product!!! It’s really works, My facial skin was a combination of oily and dry because of this problem my face has dull looking. After using Isani for a week the oiliness all reduced!!! now my skin feels so smooth and looks fresh
    Thank you Isani for this awesome product, Now I decided to use Isani for my baby to get ride nappy rashes without any worries becouse what I learned is it a natural product not contains any harmful chemicals and it’s also friendly for baby’s skin. I love this product and would highly recommend it to anyone wants natural and effective product…

  8. Slapshock Korn Al Shamier
    5 out of 5

    ISANI is the skin health bar where people most wanted and the resolution all problem and use any type of skin.

  9. Azlinda Che Amat
    5 out of 5

    Sy menngunakan sabun ISANI keatas kulit tangan sy melecur akibat terkena minyak panas.Kulit sy menjadi merah dan pedih.Sy sapukan buih sabun ISANI pd kulit biarkn selama 3 minit dan bilas.Alhamdulillah pd mlmnya sy dapati kesan kecur dan merah pd kulit dh pudar & tiada rasa pedih lg.Slps beberapa hari kulit sy pulih sepenuhnya.TQ sekali lg pd sabun ISANI.Ia sgt berkesan..

  10. Adriy Qalees Qaid
    5 out of 5

    ISANI is the BEST Product ever… Everyone should try,VERY BEST and FRIENDLY SERVICES, VERY FAST RESPONS to any questions… I’ll give more than 5 stars !

  11. Lai Mew See
    5 out of 5

    This is always my repeat order package, fair deal and always received special gifts. Thank you

  12. Atikah
    5 out of 5

    Alhamdulillah, safely arrived… Tq, seller… I am sure, Isani will improve our skin… InsyaAllah.

  13. Kharliff Muhamad
    5 out of 5

    Good product Fast service Package wrap properly The seller was fast shipping and Thanks for the free gifts. I like it

  14. Ms Teoh
    5 out of 5

    value buy and this bar works wonder on my skin. love it!

  15. Azizah
    5 out of 5

    Great product. Superb quality. Safe time safe money and result is excellent …. no more acne no more black head no more white head … and excellent n super fast service by seller….
    Tqsvm 👍👍👍👍👍

    • isaniadmin
      0 out of 5

      Hi Azizah, thanks for your rating and encouragement. It is always our desired to manufactured the best quality product to bring healthy skin to our customer. You are encourage to recommend friend using ISANI Skin Health Bar, you can refer them below link to get FREE/ Subsidy ISANI Travel Bar.

  16. Samsul ilham
    5 out of 5

    My pigmentation lightened within a week using ISANI bar. Good product.. Fast delivery… Mantap!

  17. Carol Chong
    5 out of 5

    Been using this product since 2014. Products received in good condition and thank you for the free gifts!

  18. SHIDI
    5 out of 5

    Good product Fast service Package wrap properly The seller was fast but the pick up was late by the ninja van people

  19. Tangam Veeramuthu
    5 out of 5

    Third purchase of this product… Isani will really helps to overcome your skin problems from baby to oldies…

  20. Liew Kit Lim
    5 out of 5

    Good facial soap bar improved my skin situation especially face became brighter and pores not obvious now after few days try and thanks for the free gifts.

  21. Dr Marwan Bin Mohamad
    5 out of 5

    Worth to buy it, fast delivery and thanks for the free gift (mask and mini soap)

  22. Looi Chee
    5 out of 5

    Seller is very responsive. Ship out on the same day. And sent me a lot of instructions and info about this product.

  23. Chan Han Ching
    5 out of 5

    14天用后感: 脸-超敏感干性肌肤,时常会痒,脸部很多小粒粒,像砂纸👉肌肤比较稳定,偶尔会痒,洗脸的时候手感比较光滑了。 小腿-某些部位类似毛周角化症(鸡皮),会痒👉现在好了30巴仙。 会再继续更新观察,希望能早日恢复! p/s:卖家服务态度棒!

  24. Tham Li Chee
    5 out of 5

    观望了很久,终于下单试用了。 试用了7天,感觉还不错,但皮肤有些许排毒反应。 决定买正装再试试看,毕竟皮肤的更新周期是28天,希望过渡期快点过,皮肤能健康起来! P/s:卖家售前售后服务很棒!👍

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